Workplace Wellness

How To Promote Your New Employee Wellness Program

Written by Allie

Corporate wellness options are getting more prevalent and sophisticated than ever. The latest surveys say that nearly 9 out of 10 employers now offer a financial wellness incentive as part of their wellness program, and 67% percent say they plan to expand their wellness programs in the next 3-5 years.

But to truly reap the benefits of a healthier workplace — from increased productivity to fewer sick days — your employees need to actually use the program!

Here’s how to get employees on board with your new wellness program

Connect with stakeholders

Ideally, your research phase included a comprehensive wellness survey to determine what your employees want from a wellness program. Take what you learned from their feedback, and incorporate it into your program’s development and launch. Consider starting a wellness committee with employees who will be naturally enthusiastic about wellness…and maybe a few for which exercise and fitness is a hard sell.

Give plenty of notice

As managers, you should avoid surprising your staff with major changes, especially when it comes to benefits. Once you know a benefit change is coming, plan your communications and get the word out early! Give employees time to learn about the program and read into their wellness benefits, and send frequent reminders leading up to enrollment or launch dates.

Experiment with communication

Explore new channels to connect with your employees. Whether promoting in a physical or digital space, make sure your wellness program is seen! Hang posters or well-designed signage in the office, print one-pagers with program perks and enrolment deadlines, or mail details packets for employees to peruse at home.

Add a digital promotion component by utilizing social media, internal email announcements, or even a new wellness-focused Slack channel. Find ways to personalize your content to increase engagement (this is where you wellness committee can help!).

You may also want to experiment tying in employee recognition with your employee wellness program, as you might see the social influence improve engagement in your wellness program.

Host a launch event

Introduce your new wellness program with a company-wide launch event! Host on-site exercise or yoga sessions, or ask a wellness coach to present ways to fit more exercise into the day-to-day. Invite employees to a lunch-and-learn event with healthy catering and snacks. Offer a few practical giveaways or raffle prizes to help people feel excited to start. For remote employees, try a one-day steps challenge that can be done anywhere.

Give managers a role

Management plays a huge role in your company’s culture, and in the success of a wellness program. Writes SHRM:

“Employers can strengthen workplace culture and overall wellness by activating middle managers to become models of well-being for their team members…While senior leaders set the tone for wellness initiatives, it falls on managers to effectively give permission for team members to engage in day-to-day activities. In this way, managers can serve either as gatekeepers who prevent employees from taking part or multipliers who encourage participation.”

Implementing an effective wellness strategy can be daunting, but it’s easy with the right tools and resources. Our benefits specialists can help guide you to a solution, from activity rewards to wellness challenges or something custom to your needs. Schedule a demo to learn how IncentFit can help.

Corporate Wellness Benefit Managers having a discussion while looking at an electronic tablet.

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