Wellness Champion

The Ultimate Glossary For Corporate Wellness Managers

Whether you are new to the world of corporate wellness and wellness in the workplace, or have been running a program for several years, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by all of the health industry jargon. To help you better plan and promote your wellness program, we compiled a collection of the most common and Read more…

Benefits Strategy

Is a Health Insurance Broker Right For My Company?

Health insurance brokers are like real estate agents. Just as a real estate agent can help you find the perfect property, an insurance broker can set you up with the perfect benefits plan for your company. Health insurance brokers are a bit different, though. Your broker is a licensed industry expert who will do the Read more…

Benefits Strategy

Here’s How To Motivate Your Employees Who Already Work Out

Motivating employees is a key part of any successful corporate wellness program and an overall important component of wellness in the workplace. Unfortunately, some programs can actually divide your team if you’re not careful. If you’re only thinking about fitness beginners, you could demotivate people who are already very active or focused on health. To Read more…

Wellness Champion

7 Things You Should Look For in a Gym Reimbursement Vendor

It’s easy to see why a gym reimbursement plan is a popular component of a successful corporate wellness program. Research shows that gym members are more likely to cancel if they aren’t regularly attending, aren’t feeling motivated to exercise, or don’t have ongoing support for their fitness goals. Introducing a system of rewards and positive Read more…

Wellness Champion

Four Reasons Why Your Health Insurance’s Wellness Features Just Aren’t Enough

Health insurance carriers typically offer wellness features bundled with their health plans. Many offer discounts and reimbursements for weight loss programs, free health tips, and even help you see report cards of your health over time. Many employers are tempted to just use their carrier-provided tools as their main employee benefits wellness program. Unfortunately, the Read more…