As the new year approaches, many people will be motivated to start exercising. Employee health, and wellness in the workplace should be a major focus of any employer. Additionally, now is the time you will want to help motivate these new healthy habits. Studies have shown that maintaining fitness levels can often be more difficult Read more…
Tag: Best Practices
;Examples of wellness programs that are effective, well-designed, engaging, and inspirational
Benefits Strategy
Gym Reimbursement Programs: The Top Mistakes
Workplace wellness employee benefit programs are in place in a growing number of companies (companies like Google are actually setting the standard for a world-class employee benefit program), and one of the most common is the Gym Reimbursement Program, or Fitness Subsidies. The idea is great, in theory: companies provide employees with a discount or Read more…
Benefits Strategy
Saving Money on Bulk Purchasing Workout Trackers
Buying health bands in bulk for your employees can be expensive. Many employees already have a favorite wearable technology fitness tracker, and won’t use a different one. Additionally, employees may find it hard to start using one if they haven’t before. Fortunately you can follow a few rules to make providing fitness trackers an affordable Read more…
Benefits Strategy
Create a Tax Free Wellness Program
Wellness programs provide great ways to motivate employees to get active. Usually, they involve reimbursing an employee for their fitness membership costs, or providing them monetary wellness incentive rewards for exercising. But when setting up a program like this, you might wonder what the tax costs will be. Will you have to count this reimbursement Read more…
Workplace Wellness
American Specialty Health Care Facts
Most employees receive healthcare coverage through their employee benefits, but what does that coverage look like? How does the US health care system compare to systems in other countries? In “The world health report 2000 – Health systems: improving performance” the World Heath Organization (WHO) published a detailed look at all country’s healthcare systems. Alarmingly, Read more…