Benefits Strategy

Why Perks Don’t Create Company Culture

Company culture is is a phrase that is often tossed around, but rarely defined. Companies want their workplaces to have it, but don’t know what kind of culture to create, let alone how to create it. Many companies will turn to perks, or employee benefits (part of a broader employee benefit program), as a way Read more…

Workplace Wellness

The Real Cost of Corporate Fitness Facilities

The happiness and health of employees are essential factors to company growth. High turnover rates, low productivity, and loss of morale are just a few reasons why companies are now investing in long-term wellness programs. One popular way to do this is to provide perks that motivate a health lifestyle, including access to on-site corporate Read more…

Workplace Wellness

Why Corporate Wellness Programs Work

All companies want happy, healthy employees; however, creating a culture of wellness where employees are unmotivated is often difficult to foster. Wellness programs are often seen as a costly perk, that lack measurable results. Faced with this opposition, wellness programs are often short-lived and badly implemented. So let’s unpack the problem, look at the facts, and find Read more…

Benefits Strategy

Attract and Retain the Talent of Generation Y

Generation Y has already started to spread through the workforce and more are coming. If you don’t adapt to the culture of this new wave of workers you may find yourself left behind. But don’t fret, here is a list of 7 steps created by-posted-hosted-and promoted by Generation Y’ers to help you attract and retain Read more…