Personal Wellness

What This Surprising Research Tells us About Exercise Duration

Get 10,000 steps a day. Take a lunchtime spin class. Do a two-hour yoga intensive. Try a four-minute high-intensity exercise app. Take the stairs. New research shows that all of those exercise efforts can make an impact on your health and personal wellness, no matter how long you exercise. In a study published by the Read more…

Workplace Wellness

Can Your Wellness Program Make Exercise Fun?

Working out has become a chore and many wellness program struggle with this. Exercise plans are often based around this feeling. They try to make working out efficient: burn the most calories in the least amount of time. But the real question here is, when did it become hard to work out and have fun Read more…


Best Smartwatches

For the holiday season many people will be investing in fitness trackers, and wearable technology to help them achieve their New Year fitness goals. With so many trackers on the market it’s hard to know which one will be the best fit for you. A number of exciting new trackers have hit, or are scheduled Read more…

Workplace Wellness

The Wonders of Walking for Employee Health

As the new year approaches, many people will be motivated to start exercising. Employee health, and wellness in the workplace should be a major focus of any employer. Additionally, now is the time you will want to help motivate these new healthy habits. Studies have shown that maintaining fitness levels can often be more difficult Read more…

Workplace Wellness

8 Ideas to Improve Employee Health

Employee Fitness is a must for any company that wants happy and healthy employees, as well as promote wellness in the workplace. But how do you motivate your company to get up, get moving and get active? We run down some of the top ideas that promote a healthy lifestyle, especially with a workforce that Read more…