Workplace Wellness

Exercise Keeps Your Employees Productive

It’s no secret, various studies confirm that employees who work out and exercise regularly are happier and thus more productive. Many people even have the personal experience of knowing that they are much more productive at work when they exercise but it’s very difficult to measure the change. Therefore, it would be worthwhile to invest Read more…

Benefits Strategy

Fitness Benefits Are the Sharpest Tool in Your Compensation Package

A critical issue facing all small businesses today is how to attract and retain top talent. Despite being such a critical issue, yearly turnover rates in some industries remain higher than 25%. So what can you do about it? It’s nearly impossible to read the 1,000+ published reports and research articles on retention and turnover. Read more…

Workplace Wellness

The Death of Gym Memberships

Every New Year, millions of Americans rush to sign up at their local gym as part of their New Year’s resolution to get in shape, and improve their personal wellness. However, if you’re like me, it’s only a matter of time until your motivation drops and you keep the gym membership card tucked away deep Read more…

Benefits Strategy

Attract and Retain the Talent of Generation Y

Generation Y has already started to spread through the workforce and more are coming. If you don’t adapt to the culture of this new wave of workers you may find yourself left behind. But don’t fret, here is a list of 7 steps created by-posted-hosted-and promoted by Generation Y’ers to help you attract and retain Read more…


Payroll Apps that Bring Technology to HR

If you work in HR, you have probably dealt with hundreds of forms, emails and spreadsheets. Well what if I could tell you, there’s an app for that. With the boom in smartphones and technology startups, managing employees can become as easy as clicking a couple of buttons for both you and your employees. Moreover, Read more…