Benefits Strategy

Biometric Screenings are not a Wellness Strategy

Biometric screenings and health assessments are common additions to many corporate wellness programs. In a Kaiser Family Foundation Survey, over half the wellness programs in large corporations either offered or required these assessments. Many companies that offer screenings offer financial incentives such as cash or reduced health care premiums. At first biometric screenings can seem Read more…

Benefits Strategy

Wellness Rewards Programs: Points vs Dollars

Research has shown time and again that incentives are one of the best ways to support habit change, and people are noticing. In a recent survey, 60% of small businesses (see our guide on small business employee benefits) and over 90% of large businesses offered employee benefits through wellness rewards and incentives. Wellness rewards programs Read more…

Benefits Strategy

Transitioning to High Deductible Health Plans

High Deductible Health Plans (HDHP) are medical insurance plans that have high annual deductibles (the amount a patient needs to pay out of pocked before the insurance kicks in). How high? Well that depends on your plan, but it can range as high as $6,550 for an individual or $13,100 for a family. These plans Read more…

Benefits Strategy

Introduction to Health Savings Accounts

There are many reasons why companies are choosing to offer health savings accounts (HSAs) as a part of their employee benefits package. Health insurance prices are on the rise, and HSAs help business decrease costs. A company also may choose to offer HSAs in addition to more traditional health care options as a part of Read more…