Workplace Wellness

3 Reasons to Promote Healthy Sleep Habits in Your Wellness Program

Healthy sleep habits can play a crucial role in your wellness program, and your employees’ personal wellness. Usually when we think of a hard worker we imagine an employee hunched over a cup of coffee plugging away on a computer dead into the night. Despite popular imagery, most research suggests that sleep deprivation is counter Read more…

Workplace Wellness

What Employees Want in a Wellness Program

While wellness programs are one of the most sought after benefits in a company, participation numbers are typically low. In fact, a recent Gallup survey shows that only 24% of employees are participating! For most employers, the problem is they’re not offering benefits that employees actually want. To help address this, we scoured Reddit and Read more…

Workplace Wellness

10 Reasons Not To Use Excel For Your Company’s Step Challenge

Step challenges (a type of wellness challenge) are a great way to promote fitness in any corporate wellness program. They are low cost and, if done correctly, can be very engaging and easy to participate in. You don’t have to be a fitness guru to participate in a step challenge and there are many ways Read more…

Benefits Strategy

Are Wellness Program Incentives Taxable?

The benefits of workplace wellness programs are endless. Not only is it useful for attracting top talent, but healthier employees inevitably lead to “lower medical claims costs, which leads to lower medical premiums, which leads to a better profit margin.” To boost engagement, most employers offer some sort of incentive to employees for participation. However, Read more…

Workplace Wellness

How to Promote Nutrition in your Wellness Program

We at Incentfit know that an office culture of wellness is the best way to not only attract top of the line employees, but also to keep staff productive and happy. Nutrition is incredibly important to maintaining optimal performance and mood throughout the day. However, promoting nutrition, and even hydration in your wellness program or Read more…