19 Easy Activities for Your Wellness Committee to Do

Maybe your wellness committee doesn’t have time to spend hours implementing and administering complex health programs. However, a wellness committee can still be useful in promoting an office culture of wellness and health, implementing wellness in the workplace, and for boosting office morale. Your committee can promote and publicize healthy things in the office or even tackle small projects in their downtime. Here are some ideas that we came up with:

  1. Start and promote an office sports team! We like easy to learn activities such as kickball and biking.
  2. Host an onsite yoga class.
  3. Have the committee vote on best fitness youtube videos at a meeting and have days where teams do them as a group onsite.
  4. Create communal office healthy cookbooks with tried and true recipes.
  5. Coordinate a 5k, fun-run, or walk!
  6. Host healthy potlucks every quarter! Make sure that all diets are included in the final menu.
  7. Find health or wellness speakers to speak at the next office lunch. This can be fitness instructors who want to advertise their courses (just make sure it isn’t too sales-y).
  8. Create a wellness wall where employees can post their own favorite wellness tips!
  9. Promote any other wellness challenges that may be going on during staff meetings.
  10. Contribute to a wellness newsletter.
  11. Curate a list of nearby trails or scenic walks.
  12. Or, better yet, organize office hikes, and go as a group!
  13. Create motivational material to encourage employees to stay fit.
  14. Encourage walks during lunch breaks by having committee members can volunteer to join for company.
  15. Seek partnerships with local nonprofits to promote volunteering.
  16. Lead stretches before meetings.
  17. Host healthy quizzes! Have different themes such as nutrition, yoga, or running.
  18. Host an online holistic wellness class to improve remote workplace wellness for your team
  19. Host in-office challenges such as a push up challenge, step challenge, or a squat challenge. Who can get to 20 the fastest or who can do the most? Winner gets a reward!

Don’t have a wellness committee? Click here for a few tips on how to start one.

Want some help in implementing an engaging wellness program? Get in touch!

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