Welcome to The Wellness Word

Hello and welcome!

My name is Gabe Priyev and I’m the founder and CEO of IncentFit.  At IncentFit we’re reinventing fitness benefits.  We’re working hard to promote an active lifestyle for our users and we’re helping employers and insurance companies reward that behavior with real incentives.  My team and I have spent a lot of time researching and studying the wellness and fitness market and we thought it’s time to share some of our insights with a grander audience.

In our new blog, The Wellness Word, we’ll be exploring topics at the intersection of wellness and fitness.  That means we’ll be covering topics from fitness, technology, behavioral science, benefits, and the broader wellness industry.  We will synthesize information from other sources as well as add to it with our own observations and data.  We hope to share the benefits of all our learnings in order to help HR reps research the market.  Most of all, we hope to spark conversations that break traditional opinions and push decision-makers to invest in their people and their health.

So why is this important?

Why is employee wellness from the fitness angle worth it’s own blog?  Well, according to a study by the Rand Organization over 92% of employers with 200 or more employees offer wellness benefits and the most frequently targeted behavior, at 63%, is exercise.  It’s not surprising.  We all know that diet and exercise are the biggest influences on our health; and exercise is a heck of alot easier to track and reward than diet.  That’s why we started IncentFit and that’s why we want to share what we’ve learned here.

Welcome!  Enjoy the read and let us know if you’d like to contribute!

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