Benefits Strategy

15 Employee Incentive Ideas and Best Practices That Will Boost Engagement

Earlier this year, Jacinda Ardern’s resignation as New Zealand’s Prime Minister made headlines worldwide. That poignant scene of a world leader – exhausted and acknowledging that she didn’t have enough left to continue – certainly struck a chord. Ardern, like many of us, had faced an extraordinary series of challenges. An unprecedented pandemic, a devastating Read more…

Benefits Strategy

What are the Best Employee Incentives Right Now and How Do You Implement Them?

In today’s competitive business landscape, many companies realize that workplace culture can no longer be treated as an afterthought. Each year, unhappy workers cost US companies much more than a bit of pocket change – a staggering $450 to $550 billion in loss of productivity, according to a Gallup report. Recognizing that a more motivated Read more…

Benefits Strategy

What are Fringe Benefits?

Fringe benefits definition: Fringe benefits are additional benefits employees receive alongside their salary, though they aren’t legally required. These are often non-cash perks and used to improve the total rewards package offered by companies. These types of benefits increase employee satisfaction and build loyalty among your workers. Read on to learn more about this topic! Read more…

Benefits Strategy

The Ultimate Guide on Wellness Incentives

In 2022, it’s hard to imagine a forward-thinking, modern day workplace that doesn’t at least acknowledge the importance of the mental and physical well-being of it’s employees. Wellness incentives are a proven way to increase engagement and get employees excited about their company’s wellness program.  Incentives are the perfect fuel for motivation and commitment when Read more…