Workplace Wellness

Recognition Based and Low Cost Challenge Prizes

Wellness challenge prizes don’t have to take a lot out of your budget. Using recognition, and other non-monetary forms of challenge prizes, has many benefits to both the employer and the employee. Not only is it budget friendly, but employee recognition leads to decreased turnover, better teamwork, and improved performances. We’ve listed a few ways Read more…

Benefits Strategy

Health Savings Accounts and Your Wellness Program

Health Savings Accounts are tax free savings accounts for healthcare related expenses. These accounts allow employees to put tax free income into a bank account specifically reserved for healthcare spending. Health Savings Accounts allow employees to save money, have better control of their health related finances, and they’re budget friendly for all employers. Better yet, Read more…

Benefits Strategy

Four Reasons Why Your Health Insurance’s Wellness Features Just Aren’t Enough

Health insurance carriers typically offer wellness features bundled with their health plans. Many offer discounts and reimbursements for weight loss programs, free health tips, and even help you see report cards of your health over time. Many employers are tempted to just use their carrier-provided tools as their main employee benefits wellness program. Unfortunately, the Read more…


Just Buying a Fitness Tracker Isn’t Enough

Fitness trackers can get a bad rap as a waste of money. According to reports, one third of people who buy wearable technology fitness trackers stop using them within 6 months. Eventually, over half of the users abandon them all together. Furthermore, some research concludes that for those who do use it, it’s not even Read more…

Workplace Wellness

The AARP vs EEOC Ruling and How It’ll Affect Your Wellness Program

If you could reduce your healthcare costs by 30% by voluntarily sharing your health history with your employer, is it really optional? The American Association for Retired Persons (AARP) wants to know. The AARP recently sued the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commision) regarding the definition of the word “voluntary.” Typically, the American with Disabilities Act Read more…