Workplace Wellness

The Real Cost of Corporate Fitness Facilities

The happiness and health of employees are essential factors to company growth. High turnover rates, low productivity, and loss of morale are just a few reasons why companies are now investing in long-term wellness programs. One popular way to do this is to provide perks that motivate a health lifestyle, including access to on-site corporate Read more…

Workplace Wellness

The Wonders of Walking for Employee Health

As the new year approaches, many people will be motivated to start exercising. Employee health, and wellness in the workplace should be a major focus of any employer. Additionally, now is the time you will want to help motivate these new healthy habits. Studies have shown that maintaining fitness levels can often be more difficult Read more…

Workplace Wellness

8 Ideas to Improve Employee Health

Employee Fitness is a must for any company that wants happy and healthy employees, as well as promote wellness in the workplace. But how do you motivate your company to get up, get moving and get active? We run down some of the top ideas that promote a healthy lifestyle, especially with a workforce that Read more…

Benefits Strategy

Create a Tax Free Wellness Program

Wellness programs provide great ways to motivate employees to get active. Usually, they involve reimbursing an employee for their fitness membership costs, or providing them monetary wellness incentive rewards for exercising. But when setting up a program like this, you might wonder what the tax costs will be. Will you have to count this reimbursement Read more…

Workplace Wellness

American Specialty Health Care Facts

Most employees receive healthcare coverage through their employee benefits, but what does that coverage look like? How does the US health care system compare to systems in other countries? In “The world health report 2000 – Health systems: improving performance” the World Heath Organization (WHO) published a detailed look at all country’s healthcare systems. Alarmingly, Read more…