Benefits Strategy

Post-Pandemic Employee Health is a Major Issue For Employers Right Now

Everywhere we look, employee health and wellness in the workplace is in the headlines. After a brutal year and a half, employers are seeing and feeling the effects of a global health crisis on their workforce. And the results are not good. “Employers understand the impact on mental health is going to have a long Read more…

Personal Wellness

7 Tips on How To Take Care of Your Heart

One of the preeminent causes of death worldwide is heart disease. Heart disease can happen to anyone regardless of age or gender. Most of the time, it can happen to people with poor diets and sedentary lifestyles. However, out of all the deadly illnesses out there, heart disease is the most preventable. Your heart health Read more…

Benefits Strategy

A 5 Minute Primer on Employee Health Assessments

A health assessment is primarily a screening tool. These quick and convenient questionnaires gather information about individual’s health, lifestyle, and demographics in order to provide a holistic view of their overall health. This tool is also a key component of gauging wellness in the workplace! Health risk assessments (also called an HRA or simply a Read more…

Workplace Wellness

4 Ways To Promote Mental Wellness In The Workplace

If you work full-time, then your occupation defines your daily schedule and routine. For most of your waking hours, you’re spending it in the workplace, so it’s not surprising that your job is going to influence a few facets of your life. One of these is your mental health. No matter what kind of occupation Read more…