Thanksgiving is a time for family, food, and reflection, but it can also be a season where Thanksgiving wellness challenges can help maintain healthy habits. While traditional Turkey Trots are a fun way to promote fitness, there are plenty of creative wellness challenges that go beyond just running. By incorporating a variety of activities, you can keep employees engaged, promote healthy habits, and foster team spirit throughout the holiday season.

Here are some unique Thanksgiving wellness challenges that your team will love:
Healthy Recipe Swap
Thanksgiving is often associated with indulgent meals, but a Healthy Recipe Swap encourages employees to share nutritious versions of their favorite holiday dishes. Organizing a virtual recipe swap or creating an office cookbook filled with healthier alternatives is a great way to promote better eating habits.This not only encourages employees to think creatively about their food choices but also supports healthier lifestyles.
In fact, according to the CDC, only 1 in 10 adults in the U.S. meet the recommended daily intake of fruits and vegetables. A recipe swap can be an excellent way to get employees to incorporate more nutrient-rich foods into their holiday meals, helping them meet those critical health goals.
Gratitude Challenge
Fostering a culture of gratitude not only boosts mental well-being but also improves workplace relationships. A Gratitude Challenge encourages employees to express appreciation for their colleagues or reflect on what they’re thankful for. Each day leading up to Thanksgiving, employees can write a gratitude note or share something they’re grateful for on a team message board.
Research has shown that practicing gratitude can increase happiness by up to 25%, and it has been linked to better mental health, stronger relationships, and improved work performance. Engaging your team in a gratitude challenge can provide a much-needed mood boost during the holiday season.
Post-Meal Walking Groups
Encourage employees to form Post-Meal Walking Groups as part of your Thanksgiving wellness challenges to stay active after Thanksgiving feasts. Walking after meals has been shown to aid digestion and regulate blood sugar levels, making it an easy and effective way to promote physical wellness in a group setting.
Hydration Challenge
With all the rich food and drinks around the holidays, it’s easy to forget the basics—like drinking enough water. A Hydration Challenge can be a simple yet effective way to keep everyone on track. Challenge employees to hit daily water intake goals, especially leading up to Thanksgiving dinner, where high sodium content in many traditional dishes can lead to dehydration.
Staying hydrated can improve cognitive function, mood, and even productivity, as noted by the Mayo Clinic. Keeping hydration top of mind can help employees stay sharp during the holiday rush.
Turkey Trot – with a Twist
While a traditional Turkey Trot is a popular event, not everyone is a runner. Make your office version more inclusive by offering options like walking or even cycling. Employees can track their distances or steps and compete in a friendly challenge.
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity each week, which can reduce the risk of chronic diseases . By offering a variety of ways to participate, you can ensure more employees join in the fun.
Community Service Day
Encouraging employees to give back through a Community Service Day can foster a sense of purpose and unity within the team. Whether it’s donating to a food drive, volunteering at a local shelter, or organizing a charity run, employees can get involved in ways that align with the Thanksgiving spirit of giving.
In fact, 94% of people who volunteered reported an improved mood, and 76% felt healthier. Encouraging community involvement not only benefits others but also enhances employee wellness and satisfaction.
Stress-Relief Workshops
The holiday season can be stressful. Hosting Stress-Relief Workshops or virtual meditation sessions can help employees manage holiday anxiety while promoting overall wellness. Whether it’s a short breathing exercise or a 10-minute meditation session, offering stress-management tools can make a big impact.

The Benefits of Thanksgiving Wellness Challenges
Incorporating Thanksgiving wellness challenges into your traditions can benefit both employees and the organization. Not only do these activities promote physical and mental well-being, but they also foster stronger connections between colleagues and encourage a supportive company culture. Research shows that companies with effective wellness programs can experience a significant reduction in absenteeism and an increase in productivity.
How IncentFit Can Support Your Team’s Wellness Challenges
IncentFit offers a wide range of tools to support workplace wellness activities, from customizable challenges to activity tracking. By incorporating meaningful and timely incentives, such as direct financial rewards for completing challenges or achieving health goals, companies can increase participation and employee engagement.
Take advantage of IncentFit’s platform to create customizable Thanksgiving wellness challenges that align with your company’s health and wellness goals. Engage your team with a fun, holiday-themed activity that promotes long-term well-being and encourages a healthy, happy workforce.