Workplace Wellness

Stress Awareness Month: How to Help Your Stressed Out Employees

April is Stress Awareness Month. How are you helping your employees avoid burnout, start feeling better, and generally practicing wellness in the workplace? If you type “stressed” into a stock photo website, you’re likely to find thousands of faces with furrowed brows and frazzled hair. More often than not, though, those folks are at a Read more…

Behavioral Science

What Effect Reduced Work Hours Have on Productivity: A Study on Presenteeism

The standard employee works an 8 hour work day, occasionally clocking in over time, presumably to accomplish more work. However, more time devoted to work doesn’t necessarily mean that more work is getting done. Presenteeism is one of the largest threats to productivity, and companies everywhere are doing what they can to combat it. Corporations Read more…

Workplace Wellness

An Engaging Wellness Program Always Delivers Positive Return on Investment

It can be hard to determine value and return on investment (ROI) on wellness programs, and wellness incentives. This can sometimes lead corporations to think that they’re too expensive or don’t deliver positive ROI. However, they do more than just spruce up a benefits package. Having a wellness program shows your employees that you care, Read more…

Workplace Wellness

How To Use Social Media In Your Wellness Program

Social media has been one of the largest cultural influences around the world in the past decade. Look at these shocking statistics. 81% of millenials check Twitter every day. 22% of the entire world’s population has a Facebook. Over half of the world’s adults with access to internet, have more than one social media platform. Read more…

Workplace Wellness

How To Create a Wellness Program That Fits Your Office Culture

In a recent survey, it was discovered that 53% of employees did not engage in their corporate wellness program. Participants cited reasons such as inconvenience, an unsupportive company culture, and a lack of awareness. Under-utilized company benefits can be a drain on company resources so creating a wellness program that your employees will love is Read more…