Benefits Strategy

Wellness Rewards Programs: Points vs Dollars

Research has shown time and again that incentives are one of the best ways to support habit change, and people are noticing. In a recent survey, 60% of small businesses (see our guide on small business employee benefits) and over 90% of large businesses offered employee benefits through wellness rewards and incentives. Wellness rewards programs Read more…

Wellness Challenges

Keep Your Step Challenge Under 6 Weeks Long

Incentfit loves wellness challenges — and step challenges specifically! Walking is a low intensity activity and it’s an easy way to add more exercise into your daily routine. However, stretching your step challenge for an extended period of time can get a little boring. Here are 6 reasons why you shouldn’t let your step challenges Read more…

Workplace Wellness

Nope! Content Based Wellness Programs are Not Effective

What are the real drivers of healthy habits? It’s definitely not a lack of information. Pretty much everyone knows junk food is bad and exercise is good. Does that knowledge drive them to eat less junk food and exercise more? With the rise of the world wide web, most citizens of the first world have Read more…

Benefits Strategy

Wellness Benefits Without Administrative Burden

If you’re an HR administrator you’re probably familiar with paperwork. And usually, wellness employee benefits, and employee benefit program administration requires a lot of paperwork due to the incentive management process. In fact, this can be a major deterrent of implementing any new program. So if your company wants to run a step challenge or Read more…