Guide on Workplace Health Promotions & 10 Reason Why They Work

A workplace health promotion is a program that is designed to improve the overall physical, mental, and emotional health wellbeing at your company. Many employers use workplace health promotions to tackle their population health initiatives, and gauge their effectiveness through population health analytics. This article breaks down how you can set up your own workplace health promotions! There are several reasons why workplace health promotions are effective in promoting employability, sustainability, health, and production. This article will explore 10 reasons workplace wellness is possible, including reducing stress and increasing and improving overall employee morale.

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What is a Workplace Health Promotion?

Workplace health promotion refers to the efforts made by employers to improve their employees’ overall health and well-being through various initiatives and programs. These can include things like offering healthy food options in the workplace, promoting physical activity and exercise, providing education and resources on stress management, and implementing policies to promote a smoke-free environment.

What is the Importance of Health in a Workplace?

Workplace health promotion is important for countless reasons. Firstly, it can lead to a happier and more productive workforce. Employees who are physically and mentally healthy tend to be more engaged and motivated in their work. Additionally, promoting health in the workplace can lead to reduced absenteeism and healthcare costs for both employees and employers.

What Types of Health Promotions are Available at the Workplace?

There are many types of workplace health promotions, but some of the most common include the following:

  • Health screenings: These may include things like blood pressure and cholesterol tests, as well as screenings for certain diseases or conditions.
  • Fitness classes: Many workplaces offer fitness classes, such as yoga or Pilates, to promote employee physical activity.
  • Nutritional education: This may include things like cooking classes, nutrition seminars, and healthy eating challenges.
  • Policies and practices: Some workplaces may also implement policies and practices that promote healthy behaviors and lifestyles, such as providing healthy snacks in the break room, encouraging employees to take regular breaks throughout the day, or offering flexible work arrangements.

5 Ways of Promoting Health at the Workplace

  1. Education and awareness campaigns: These involve providing information and resources to individuals and communities about healthy behaviors, risk factors, and prevention methods. This can include information about healthy diet and physical activity, stress management, and a smoking cessation program.
  2.  Environmental and policy changes: This strategy focuses on changing the physical and social environment to make it easier for individuals to make healthy choices. This can include things like increasing access to healthy food options, promoting active transportation, and creating smoke-free environments.
  3. Community engagement and empowerment: This strategy involves working with communities to identify and address their specific health needs and empowering them to take action to improve their health. This can include things like community-wide health assessments, developing community-based programs and interventions, and building partnerships between community organizations and health care providers.
  4. Environmental and policy changes: This strategy focuses on changing the physical and social environment to make it easier for individuals to make healthy choices. This can include things like increasing access to healthy food options, promoting active transportation, and creating smoke-free environments.
  5. Community engagement and empowerment: This strategy involves working with communities to identify and address their specific health needs and empowering them to take action to improve their health. This can include things like community-wide health assessments, developing community-based programs and interventions, and building partnerships between community organizations and health care providers.

What makes Health Promotions at Work Effective?

  1. Improved employee health: By promoting healthy behaviors and lifestyles, workplace health promotions can help employees to improve their overall health and well-being.
  2. Increased productivity: When employees are healthy and feeling their best, they are more likely to be productive and engaged at work.
  3. Reduced absenteeism: When employees are healthy, they are less likely to take time off for illness or injury.
  4. Improved employee morale: When employees feel like their workplace values their health and well-being, they are more likely to be satisfied with their jobs and feel a sense of loyalty to their employer.
  5. Reduced healthcare costs: By promoting healthy behaviors and lifestyles, workplace health promotions can help reduce healthcare costs for employees and employers.

Overall, workplace health promotion is an important approach to improving the health and well-being of employees and can provide many benefits for both employees and employers.

Why should Health be Promoted in the Workplace?

Workplace health promotion aims to improve employees’ overall health and well-being while also increasing productivity and reducing healthcare costs. This can be achieved through various programs and initiatives, such as wellness programs, health screenings, educational seminars, and incentives for healthy behaviors. By promoting healthy habits and addressing potential health risks, workplace health promotion can help employees achieve better physical and mental health in the workplace, leading to improved job performance and a more positive work environment.

What makes a Good Workplace Health Promotion?

  • Encourage physical activity: Encourage employees to take breaks throughout the day to move and stretch their bodies. You can also organize physical activities such as yoga or fitness classes for employees to participate in during their lunch breaks.
  • Provide healthy food options: Encourage employees to make healthy food choices by providing healthy snacks and beverages in the office. You can also organize healthy potluck events or bring in a nutritionist to give presentations on healthy eating.
  • Promote mental health: Encourage employees to take care of their mental health by providing resources such as an Employee Assistance Program or mental health days. You can also organize stress management workshops or meditation sessions.
  • Promote a smoke-free environment: Encourage employees to quit smoking and promote a smoke-free environment by providing resources such as a smoking cessation program.
  • Encourage regular check-ups: Encourage employees to take regular check-ups and screenings to detect any potential health issues early on.
  • Promote a positive work-life balance: Encourage employees to take time off and prioritize their mental and physical well-being.
  • Lead by example: As an employer, it’s important to lead by example and create a workplace culture of health and wellness. Encourage your team to join you in making healthy choices.

How to Get Started with a Health Promotion at Work?

Identifying the Need for a Workplace Health Promotion

Workplace health promotion is essential to creating a healthy and productive work environment. It is a way to improve the overall well-being of employees and reduce the risk of chronic diseases (larger employers have some sort of chronic disease management program), such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. In order to implement a successful workplace health promotion, it is important to first identify the need for one. This can be done by assessing the current health status of employees and identifying any areas of concern. 

For example, if a significant portion of employees are overweight or have high blood pressure, it may indicate that a health promotion program is needed. Additionally, identifying any trends in employee absenteeism or presenteeism (where employees are present at work but not fully engaged) can also indicate a need for a health promotion program.

Setting Goals and Objectives

Once the need for workplace health promotion has been identified, it is important to set clear goals and objectives for the program. The goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). For example, a goal could be to reduce the number of employees who are overweight by 10% within the next six months. Objectives, on the other hand, are the specific steps that will be taken to achieve the goal. 

For example, an objective could be to provide employees with nutrition education and resources to help them make healthier food choices. Setting clear goals and objectives will ensure the program is focused and effective.

Creating a Plan of Action

After setting goals and objectives, the next step is to create a plan of action that outlines the specific steps that will be taken to achieve them. The plan should include details on who will be responsible for implementing the program, what resources will be needed, and how the program will be communicated to employees.

 For example, the plan may include hiring a health coach, arranging on-site fitness classes, and creating a wellness newsletter to inform employees of the program’s progress. It is also important to involve employees in the planning process, as they can provide valuable feedback and suggestions.

Keeping Track of Promotion Success

Finally, it is important to measure the success of the workplace health promotion program. This can be done by tracking employees’ progress in relation to the goals and objectives set for the program. For example, if the goal was to reduce the number of employees who are overweight by 10%, then the program’s success can be measured by comparing the number of overweight employees before and after the program. Additionally, measuring employee engagement in the program, such as the number of employees participating in fitness classes, can indicate its success. Regularly monitoring and evaluating the program will help to identify areas that need improvement and make adjustments as necessary.

In conclusion, implementing a workplace health promotion program can greatly benefit employees and the organization. Organizations can effectively improve their employees’ overall health and well-being by identifying the need for a program, setting clear goals and objectives, creating a plan of action, and measuring the promotion’s success.

Example of a Health Promotion at Work?

An example of a workplace health promotion could be offering employees access to a gym membership or fitness classes at a discounted rate. This encourages employees to prioritize their physical health and well-being and can lead to reduced absenteeism and improved productivity.

10 Reasons Proving why Workplace Health Promotions work?

  1. Increased Productivity: When employees are healthy, they are more likely to be productive and efficient in their work. Health promotions in the workplace can improve employee energy and concentration, leading to higher productivity overall.
  2. Improved Employee Morale: Health promotions in the workplace can help to improve employee morale and job satisfaction. When employees feel good about themselves and their health, they are more likely to be engaged and motivated in their work.
  3. Lower Healthcare Costs: By promoting healthy habits and lifestyles among employees, workplace health promotions can help to reduce healthcare costs for both employees and the company. This can lead to significant cost savings over time.
  4. Reduced Absenteeism: Healthy employees are less likely to take time off work due to illness or injury. Workplace health promotions can help to reduce absenteeism by encouraging healthy habits and lifestyles, leading to increased productivity and reduced costs for the company.
  5. Increased Employee Retention: When employees feel valued and supported in their health and well-being, they are more likely to stay with the company long-term. Workplace health promotions can increase employee retention by promoting a culture of health and well-being.
  6. Improved Employee Wellbeing: Workplace health promotions can help to improve employee well-being by providing them with the tools and resources they need to maintain a healthy lifestyle. This can lead to improved physical and mental health, leading to a happier and more engaged workforce.
  7. Better Recruitment: Companies that promote health and well-being in the workplace are more attractive to potential employees. Health promotions can help to make a company more desirable to job seekers, making it easier to attract and retain top talent.
  8. Better Brand Reputation: Companies that promote health and well-being in the workplace can improve their brand reputation. This can lead to increased customer loyalty and positive word-of-mouth, helping to promote the company’s reputation and attract new customers.
  9. Increased Innovation: When employees are healthy, they are more likely to be creative and innovative in their work. Health promotions in the workplace encourage creativity and new ideas, leading to increased innovation and growth for the company.
  10. Compliance with Legal Requirements: Some workplace health promotions are required by law. For example, employers must provide a safe working environment and have policies in place to prevent discrimination against employees with disabilities. By promoting health and well-being in the workplace, companies can ensure they comply with legal requirements and avoid potential legal issues.

How can IncentFit help with Workplace Health Promotions?

IncentFit can help companies implement and measure the success of workplace health promotions in several ways:

  • Personalization: IncentFit allows employees to set their own health goals and track their progress, making the program more engaging and effective.
  • Gamification: By turning healthy behaviours into a game, IncentFit makes it more fun and motivating for employees to participate in workplace health promotions.
  • Data tracking: IncentFit provides employers with real-time data on employee health and wellness, which can be used to identify improvement areas and measure workplace health promotions’ success.
  • Rewards and incentives: IncentFit allows employers to reward employees for achieving their health goals, which can help to increase participation and engagement in workplace health promotions.

Case studies of Companies that use IncentFit

  • Alliant Group: Alliant Group implemented IncentFit to promote employee wellness and reduce healthcare costs. The program was successful, with employees achieving an average of 10% increase in physical activity and a 15% reduction in healthcare costs.
  • TGC Inc.: TGC Inc. used IncentFit to promote healthy behaviours among its employees. The program was a huge success, with employees achieving an average of 20% increase in physical activity and a 30% reduction in healthcare costs.
  • REC Silicon Ltd.: REC Silicon Ltd. used IncentFit to promote employee wellness and reduce healthcare costs. The program was successful, with employees achieving an average of 15% increase in physical activity and a 25% reduction in healthcare costs.

Overall, IncentFit is a powerful tool for promoting employee wellness and reducing healthcare costs. It is an effective way for companies to implement and measure the success of workplace health promotions and can help increase employee participation and engagement.


In conclusion, workplace health promotions are essential to maintaining a healthy and productive workforce. Employers can improve employee well-being, reduce absenteeism and healthcare costs, and increase productivity and job satisfaction by promoting healthy behaviours and providing resources to employees.

We encourage employers to consider implementing a workplace health promotion program. This can be done by conducting a needs assessment, setting goals, and developing and implementing a plan. Employers can also collaborate with health professionals and organizations to provide resources and support to employees.

In addition, employers should also consider creating a culture of health in the workplace by promoting healthy behaviours, providing healthy food options, and encouraging physical activity.

In summary, workplace health promotions are a win-win for employers and employees. By investing in the health and well-being of their employees, employers can create a more productive and engaged workforce. We encourage employers to take the next steps and start implementing a workplace health promotion program today. Contact us

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