Workplace stress has become an alarmingly common phenomenon, with 44% of workers reporting feeling stressed day-to-day, according to a 2022 Gallup poll. Chronic stress can lead to burnout, which then causes devastating physical, mental, and emotional effects if unchecked. In 2007, Thrive Global founder and CEO Arianna Huffington collapsed from exhaustion, burnout, and lack of Read more…
Tag: Mental Health
;Articles that mention employee mental health
Workplace Wellness
How Wellness Programs Can Help Reduce Employee Burnout
Stress is not an uncommon occurrence, particularly in today’s workplace. But when left unchecked, sustained or excessive exposure to stress not only has a negative impact on employee health, but also on their ability to maintain their productivity. Given how much time employees spend at work, it’s crucial for organizations and their employees to work Read more…
Personal Wellness
Keeping Your Mind and Body Balanced: Seven Useful Techniques to Manage Stress
Stress is a common and inevitable part of life. From work deadlines to personal responsibilities, it sometimes doesn’t take much to tip over the balance and make everything you are juggling feel overwhelming. While the state of heightened emergency that came with the COVID-19 pandemic is fading further into memory, the stress of its aftermath Read more…
Workplace Wellness
10 of the Most Important Wellness Topics for Employees Right Now
The term “employee wellness” has taken on increased significance since the COVID-19 pandemic hit. Many companies are still dealing with the post-pandemic impact on their bottom line which led to massive employee turnover. We’re also witnessing unprecedented globalization, with a geographically dispersed workforce. Today, 12.7% of full-time employees work from home and 28.2% in a Read more…
Workplace Wellness
What are the Greatest Barriers to Mental Health and How Employers Can Help
As with other forms of wellness, mental health takes deliberate and consistent effort to maintain. In a hectic world that sometimes demands more from us than we are able to give, this is easier said than done. Unlike a broken bone, it is not obvious when a mental ailment is settling in. For working adults, Read more…