Benefits Strategy

Four Reasons Why Your Health Insurance’s Wellness Features Just Aren’t Enough

Health insurance carriers typically offer wellness features bundled with their health plans. Many offer discounts and reimbursements for weight loss programs, free health tips, and even help you see report cards of your health over time. Many employers are tempted to just use their carrier-provided tools as their main employee benefits wellness program. Unfortunately, the Read more…

Behavioral Science

Fit Employees have a Better Return On Investment

Keeping an employee from leaving is always an investment. Every day, you’re giving your employee a little bit more experience in the field and investing a little bit more into them through your employee experience. Not all employees have the best return on investment. Studies show that employees that aren’t in good health are less Read more…

Wellness Challenges

7 Challenge Prizes to Encourage Healthier Eating Habits

Everyone benefits when you offer nutritional prizes for wellness challenges in your corporate wellness program. You promote better nutrition while still providing employees fun incentives for exercising. We’ve listed some of challenge prize ideas that promote healthier eating habits in the office: Meal Kit Delivery Meal delivery services send you proportioned ingredients and recipes typically Read more…

Workplace Wellness

Using Corporate Wellness to Fund Retirement Accounts

Companies these days are incorporating their physical wellness programs with their retirement and financial wellness benefits (one part of wellness in the workplace). We at IncentFit think it’s a great idea and have been preaching it from the start. Educating staff to be more financially savvy can only do good for the company by reducing Read more…

Client Spotlight

UnitedHealthcare is Getting Users to Step Up!

Activity trackers are getting more usage each day due to awesome programs like UnitedHealthcare Motion. UnitedHealthcare Motion is an employee benefit wellness feature created by United Healthcare, one of the nation’s leading healthcare providers. The program allows users to earn financial incentives for meeting step goals, but not just any incentives. Users have the ability Read more…