Workplace Wellness

How To Promote Your New Employee Wellness Program

Corporate wellness options are getting more prevalent and sophisticated than ever. The latest surveys say that nearly 9 out of 10 employers now offer a financial wellness incentive as part of their wellness program, and 67% percent say they plan to expand their wellness programs in the next 3-5 years. But to truly reap the Read more…

Workplace Wellness

The Ultimate Glossary For Corporate Wellness Managers

Whether you are new to the world of corporate wellness and wellness in the workplace, or have been running a program for several years, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by all of the health industry jargon. To help you better plan and promote your wellness program, we compiled a collection of the most common and Read more…


3 Simple Reasons That Fitness App Isn’t Helping

There are at least 300,000 health and wellness apps on the market (and countless wearable technology options), designed to help you lose weight, get moving, or relax. But do any of them make a difference? In a study published this May, researchers tried to find out. After looking for systematic reviews of app performance they Read more…

IncentFit Updates

All About Challenges: June Updates and Features

We’ve added some fun new ways to motivate your employees! In this month’s update, IncentFit is all about challenges. Financial Wellness, Sleep Hygiene and more In April, we rolled out our new challenges template feature with more than a dozen to choose from to start. Now there are new ways to motivate your office, together Read more…

Benefits Strategy

Is a Health Insurance Broker Right For My Company?

Health insurance brokers are like real estate agents. Just as a real estate agent can help you find the perfect property, an insurance broker can set you up with the perfect benefits plan for your company. Health insurance brokers are a bit different, though. Your broker is a licensed industry expert who will do the Read more…