IncentFit Updates

Set Goals for Spring: March 2021 Updates from IncentFit

We’re looking forward to spring and getting outside! This month’s product updates include some new ideas to engage employees this season. Get better rest Sleep Awareness Week is March 14-20, 2021. This annual event, created by the National Sleep Foundation, seeks to promote better sleep as a way to increase overall health and well-being. Did Read more…

IncentFit Updates

Vaccinations and More: February 2021 Admin Updates from IncentFit

February is Healthy Hearts month! Time to show yourself and others some love this month. Focus on acts of kindness and self-care, while also taking time to get your vital annual checkups, vaccinations, and screenings! Here are the latest updates for IncentFit administrators: Reward for Vaccinations For years, employers have encouraged employees to get flu Read more…

Benefits Strategy

How to Pay Your Employees to Get Vaccinated for Covid

As the COVID-19 vaccines roll off production lines and distribution ramps up across the world, employers everywhere are starting to encourage employees to get the vaccine. The sooner that everyone is vaccinated, the easier it is for offices to reopen. Some employers are tackling this with an incentive: we’ll pay employees to get vaccinated.Incentive programs Read more…

IncentFit Updates

Our Year In Review: How 2020 Shaped the Workplace

There’s no easy way around it: 2020 was a year that changed the workplace forever. At the beginning of last year, we published our whitepaper, The Evolution of Workplace Wellness as a look back at the last century of the wellness industry. In our conclusion, we predicted some changes for the year ahead: “We will Read more…