Benefits Strategy

31 Unique Employee Benefits that Your Employees Will Love

The “Great Resignation” has been a topic of conversation for the past two or so years. Since COVID, we’ve seen an ever-increasing rate of employees quitting their jobs, especially due their lack of employee benefits. The reasons for this trend vary, but one thing is clear: if you want to compete with other companies for Read more…

Benefits Strategy

How to do Employee Benefits Planning & Why it Matters

A competitive employee benefits package is valuable for attracting and retaining top talent. It can make employees feel appreciated, increase retention, and boost overall job satisfaction. In fact, some employees prefer additional benefits to a pay increase. There are two types of employee benefits: federally-mandated and voluntary. Examples of federally mandated benefits include: Failure to Read more…

Workplace Wellness

Why Employee Benefits are Important & 7 Popular Benefits Employees Love

With the demand for a work-life balance on the rise, a current pandemic, and a massive job market, employee benefits are more important than ever. If companies want to stay relevant up against competitors, offering a great benefits package is the place to start. This article will dive into the importance of benefits for both Read more…