The way we work is changing. With a considerable number of companies adopting remote work, the workplace benefits landscape has shifted. One key example of this is the remote work stipend, which is a popular fringe benefit that employers are offering to their teams. If your company is looking to be more productive, engage employees, Read more…
Wellness Word
Benefits Strategy
9 Reasons To Offer Your Employees Gym Membership & How To Set Up A Gym Membership Employee Benefit
Are you an HR Manager, a Senior Manager, or simply a Manager? And wondering how to increase motivation and productivity among your employees? Well, you have come to the right place to know all your answers. It’s no secret that a sedentary lifestyle can lead to a host of mental and physical health problems. We Read more…
Benefits Strategy
Ultimate Guide to Employee Lifestyle Benefits & How You Can Offer Them to Your Employees
Research has shown employee benefits, and fringe benefits to be a major factor when deciding whether to accept a job offer. 60% of people consider benefits important in any role, and 80% of people would choose additional benefits over a pay raise. Offering compelling benefits is essential for organizations looking to enhance their competitive edge Read more…
Benefits Strategy
What is a Tuition Reimbursement & Case Study on How it Helps Employers
Technology is advancing and job markets are evolving rapidly. To stay ahead of the curve, employees must constantly upgrade their knowledge and skill sets to keep up with the rapid globalization and competitiveness. However, up-skilling and re-skilling may require returning to school, and that has its challenges. That’s why employers are using fringe benefits like Read more…
Benefits Strategy
What Is a Wellness Reimbursement Benefit & 10 Reasons Why Every Employer Should Offer One
As an employer, you are always looking for ways to benefit your employees. One of the most effective ways to do this is by offering a wellness reimbursement fringe benefit. This type of benefit allows employees to receive reimbursements for their wellness and health-related expenses. It can be an effective way to show your employees Read more…