Corporate gym memberships are a great fringe benefit that employers offer to their employees in order to encourage a more healthy, and active workplace culture. It’s also a key company perk that helps employers be proactive in improving their population health, as they say prevention is better than the cure. That being said, we’ll dive Read more…
Wellness Word
Benefits Strategy
What is an Employee Food Allowance Stipend (with examples) & How to Offer One
Showing employees you care about their well-being is a great way to increase positive spirit and employee loyalty. A great way to show your care for their well-being is by caring about your employees’ dietary wellbeing. This makes employees feel valued and appreciated. The challenge is that people may have differing dietary restrictions (personal, or Read more…
Benefits Strategy
Why You Should Offer Day Care Benefits for Employees & How to Offer Them to Your Team
Daycare is often one of the most expensive items for working parents with young children. That’s why many employers are now opting to offer day care benefits for employees, as a fringe benefit to cover this expense. While these costs may vary from state to state, in many areas, daycare can be over $1500 a Read more…
Benefits Strategy
Ultimate Guide to Employee Stipends & 10 Popular Types of Stipends you can Offer
Do you want to launch a stipend program that will help shape your company’s future? Employee stipends are a remarkable approach to reward staff and inspire them to put in the extra effort. These may come in the form of a salary, stock options, or other forms of payment. However, before implementing an employee stipend Read more…
Benefits Strategy
Ultimate Guide to Education Stipends & 7 Reasons to Offer Employees an Education Stipend
Does your company have trouble retaining the best employees despite offering great benefits, and fringe benefits? Are you looking for strategies to develop employee professional growth? How do you help your employees achieve their lifelong career goals? Human Resource managers worldwide are waking up to a new workplace reality. Gone are the days of the Read more…