Many companies understand that their employees are their most valuable assets. However, the demands and pressures of the modern workplace can take a toll on the workforce. It’s no secret that most employees are experiencing some degree of burnout, leading to lower productivity levels and a decline in motivation. As companies are becoming more aware Read more…
Wellness Word
Benefits Strategy
Incentives for Wellness Programs: What They Are and How to Use Them Effectively
In today’s hustle culture, maintaining healthy lifestyles is a challenge for employees. With long working hours, unhealthy food choices, and high-stress levels, health goals often take a backseat. Amidst it all, imagine a workplace where the focus on employee health is just as important as any other work-related goal. A corporate setting where employees are Read more…
Benefits Strategy
15 Employee Incentive Ideas and Best Practices That Will Boost Engagement
Earlier this year, Jacinda Ardern’s resignation as New Zealand’s Prime Minister made headlines worldwide. That poignant scene of a world leader – exhausted and acknowledging that she didn’t have enough left to continue – certainly struck a chord. Ardern, like many of us, had faced an extraordinary series of challenges. An unprecedented pandemic, a devastating Read more…
Workplace Wellness
Why Corporate Health Screenings Are So Important
Poor health can cumulatively cost U.S. employers half a trillion dollars per year due to lost productivity. These costs can stem from employee absences due to chronic health conditions all the way to worker’s compensation claims due to injuries. Corporate health screenings are often offered as a component of corporate wellness programs, which aim to Read more…
Workplace Wellness
15 of the Best Corporate Wellness Programs in 2023
Corporate wellness programs have seen increasing adoption as employers have become aware of the importance of employee well-being. Wellness programs do more than uplift your employees’ morale and health. They can also bring material returns on investment through reduced healthcare costs, lower absenteeism, and higher productivity. However, not all workplace wellness programs are right for Read more…