How IncentFit Protects Your Privacy

We’re proud to be the ones you can trust with something as important as your company’s health and wellness. At IncentFit, we take privacy seriously and always have.

As consumers try to make sense of new regulations (including GDPR) amid stories of data scandals, it’s not surprising that you may have questions about how and why companies gather personal information.

We want you to know three things right away:

  • Your personal information is safe.
  • You have control over what you share.
  • We won’t share it or sell it.

Like the rest of our business, we try to keep things simple.

We think you shouldn’t have to wade through complex legal terms to understand how to take control of your own information, or that of your employees.

Our privacy policy clearly outlines all of the ways that we collect, use, and secure data, in a way that you can actually understand. You can read the full terms here.

To make that even more clear, here’s what we promise you.

PROMISE 1. We won’t share your personal information.

One concern that some IncentFit users have is whether their bosses can check in on their activities.

Since we are a health company we operate under HIPAA guidelines and all of our staff undergo training. HIPAA is a federal law that sets limits on who can look at and receive your health information. Companies like ours that deal with personal health information must have specific, regulated security measures in place to keep that information secure.

As a HIPAA compliant company, we promise that we won’t share IncentFit users’ personally identifiable information without your consent, including specific information about your fitness data.

That means a manager won’t see how long or fast an employee ran, how many steps they took, or how much (or little) they slept.

Instead, we gather data on activity, rewards, and participation for all employees and share it in aggregated, anonymized activity reports. This way administrators can see how well the program is working overall, but no one will intrude on employees’ personal information.

PROMISE 2: We only collect what’s necessary.

We rely on a certain amount of personal information to reward IncentFit users for healthy activities. But we can only take what you allow, and users can opt out of sharing certain information.

For individual users and administrators, this starts with how we welcome you on board. To do this, we collect basic information such as your name, work email, or phone number. Administrators may also provide this information about employees during enrollment.

When the program is running, we also collect fitness information. This can include your exercise history, workout goals, fitness milestones, geographic information, and other health and wellness data that you track as part of your program. That’s how we know what you’re doing, and what rewards you’ve earned.

If your program includes a direct deposit reward component, we may also ask you to provide banking information, so you can get paid.

We also collect certain information using “cookies,” small data files that are saved on your hard drive when you visit a website. These cookies do not collect personal information about you, and cannot retrieve any other data from your hard drive or pass on computer viruses. We use them to run our website and to better learn how our product is used.

To reiterate, we only collect the data that is necessary. Everything that we collect is in order to run your health and wellness program as requested. You are in control of what you share, and can opt out if you want.

PROMISE 3. We don’t sell your stuff.

Not your data. Not your personal information. Not your email. Nothing.

How do we make money? Our pricing structure is clear, transparent, and available online. We charge clients an administrative fee to run the program, and don’t make money by other nefarious means. Simple as that.

Questions or concerns? We’re here to listen.

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