Behavioral Science

Are Older People Who Exercise Healthier Than Young People Who Don’t?

Which is healthier: a senior who exercises or a twenty-something who sits at a desk all day? Only one of those two is more likely to retain muscle mass and prevent disease, according to new research from the University of Birmingham. Science Daily writes: A group of older people who have exercised all of their Read more…

Behavioral Science

What Effect Reduced Work Hours Have on Productivity: A Study on Presenteeism

The standard employee works an 8 hour work day, occasionally clocking in over time, presumably to accomplish more work. However, more time devoted to work doesn’t necessarily mean that more work is getting done. Presenteeism is one of the largest threats to productivity, and companies everywhere are doing what they can to combat it. Corporations Read more…

Behavioral Science

Fit Employees have a Better Return On Investment

Keeping an employee from leaving is always an investment. Every day, you’re giving your employee a little bit more experience in the field and investing a little bit more into them through your employee experience. Not all employees have the best return on investment. Studies show that employees that aren’t in good health are less Read more…

Behavioral Science

Fit Employees Are Better Team Players

Fitness is important for more than just looking good. The fact is fit employees are more cooperative and easier to work with then their unhealthy counterparts. Why? The skills required to be physically fit carry over to other aspects of their life, especially their jobs (this is a key part of wellness in the workplace). Read more…

Behavioral Science

Are Work Out Competitors Better Than Work Out Buddies?

Our social surroundings strongly influence our exercise habits. From instafamous trainers to My Fitness Pal, most people already know that our environment has an effect on our fitness routines. That’s why so many of us look for a workout buddy. It makes it a lot easier to maintain a daily sweat. However, recent research suggests Read more…