Behavioral Science

Presenteeism at Work: Five Causes and How to Mitigate Them

Today’s employees are witnessing particularly rapid changes in their surroundings – be it in their organizations or out in the world at large. As a result, they often feel pressure to show up to work even when they are unwell or facing personal challenges. When this level of stress is sustained for an extended time, Read more…

Behavioral Science

How Does Exercise Improve Work Productivity

Everyone knows the benefits of exercise to health. It plays a key part in maintaining healthy lungs, heart, and other bodily systems and in managing your weight. But did you know that exercise can also improve your work productivity?

Behavioral Science

What is Presenteeism in the Workplace and How to Prevent It

Have you ever worked at a place where everything felt sluggish? You know, when it feels like someone’s sucked the energy out of the room, and it’s tough to be productive and focused? But you’re still there, at your desk or workspace, for hours and hours at a time. Well that’s the presenteeism issue in Read more…

Behavioral Science

Motivate Your Team From Within: 6 Employee Engagement Ideas

The risks of the COVID-19 pandemic have changed the workplace dramatically. Almost all industries suddenly made an overnight leap to working from home. And telecommuting has been seen as the work setup of the future. It’s no surprise, however, that a big shift in workplace norms and in daily routines can eventually feel exhausting and Read more…

Behavioral Science

What the Best Companies Do to Make Employees Feel Like They Truly Matter

What makes a company a best place to work? Flexible hours, gym time, and unlimited vacation days: these are the perks that drive the best workplaces in America. In today’s hiring market, comprehensive benefits and enticing perks are essential to attracting and retaining top talent. We looked into what some of the “top places to Read more…