Benefits Strategy

How to Increase Employee Engagement in Gym Reimbursements

Gym reimbursement programs are becoming a staple in many corporate wellness strategies. However, many companies find that these programs, while well-intended, often fail to achieve high participation rates. Employees may not see the value, find the process too complex, or simply aren’t motivated by the idea of a gym membership. In this blog, we’ll explore Read more…

Workplace Wellness

What is a Fitness Reimbursement Program & 10 Reasons Why You Should Have One

Are you interested in learning the definition of a fitness reimbursements and how to implement one at your company? With options ranging from onsite gym facilities, and online wellness subscription services to a host of wearable devices and apps at our disposal, it’s difficult to know which is the best fit for any organization. Even Read more…

Workplace Wellness

How Do Home Workouts Fit Into Your Corporate Wellness Program?

Sometimes clients ask us how to incentivize people who don’t like working out at a gym. What about the employees who want to exercise at home? Our products are incredibly flexible by design: because no two companies are exactly the same, your wellness benefits should fit your people and culture and your goals as an Read more…

Workplace Wellness

7 Things You Should Look For in a Gym Reimbursement Vendor

It’s easy to see why a gym reimbursement plan is a popular component of a successful corporate wellness program. Research shows that gym members are more likely to cancel if they aren’t regularly attending, aren’t feeling motivated to exercise, or don’t have ongoing support for their fitness goals. Introducing a system of rewards and positive Read more…