Workplace Wellness

Five Ways To Encourage Healthy Eating At Work

Work is such a tricky part of everyday life. Stress comes in many forms and from different places all at once. This is where adults make most of their life-changing decisions while dealing with the inevitable progression of the body’s natural ageing. Because of this, it becomes increasingly important to prioritize one’s health. For some, Read more…

Personal Wellness

7 Tips on How To Take Care of Your Heart

One of the preeminent causes of death worldwide is heart disease. Heart disease can happen to anyone regardless of age or gender. Most of the time, it can happen to people with poor diets and sedentary lifestyles. However, out of all the deadly illnesses out there, heart disease is the most preventable. Your heart health Read more…

Wellness Challenges

25 Healthy Ways To Motivate Your Employees This Winter

New Year’s resolutions or not, it’s pretty tough to start healthy habits during the coldest and darkest parts of the year! But we’re betting that wellness in the workplace is still top of mind, regardless of how you practice wellness! Proper diet, regular exercise, and healthy sleep routines are also necessary to ward off illness. Read more…

Behavioral Science

Twinkie Taxes for Corporate Wellness

Do you feel like it’s more expensive to eat healthy? If so, you’re not the only one. Twinkie taxes are here to solve that problem and make healthier options more affordable. A twinkie tax, also known as a fat tax is an increase on prices of unhealthy food in order to discourage poor eating habits. Read more…

Workplace Wellness

How to Promote Nutrition in your Wellness Program

We at Incentfit know that an office culture of wellness is the best way to not only attract top of the line employees, but also to keep staff productive and happy. Nutrition is incredibly important to maintaining optimal performance and mood throughout the day. However, promoting nutrition, and even hydration in your wellness program or Read more…