IncentFit Updates

Autumn Adventures: October App Updates and Features

This new season has us excited for autumn adventures and new team challenges (and maybe a pumpkin spice latte or two). Here’s the latest from IncentFit. New Biking Challenge Better strap on a helmet for our newest challenge! Invite your colleagues to “Hit The Road” in this competition to see who can bike the most Read more…

IncentFit Updates

Tag, You’re It: August Updates and Features

In this month’s IncentFit product updates, we’ve introduced a revamped rewards dashboard to help you see what activities your employees like best! Plus, new options for creating team challenges and support for email logins. Challenge Team Tags Want to run an HR vs Marketing step challenge? Go for it! If you enjoy running team-based challenges, Read more…

Client Spotlight

Client Spotlight: Synaptics goes all-in on wellness

Chances are, if you’ve ever used a touchpad, fingerprint reader, or tablet device, you’ve connected with Synaptics technology. So it makes sense that a company that revolutionized human interface and touch technology would integrate tech into many aspects of work—including wellness in the workplace. Synaptics’ 2,000 employees rely on a cohesive health and wellness program Read more…

IncentFit Updates

Sweet Dreams and Rewards Aplenty: July Updates and Features

In this month’s IncentFit update, we’ve made it easier to get (and give) what you’ve earned with all that exercise and hard work. Sweet Dreams Challenge Carefree summer vacations may not be on everyone’s calendar, but we still recommend takings some time to slow down! Challenge yourself and your employees to get a good night’s Read more…

Wellness Challenges

Are You Making These Wellness Challenge Mistakes?

When companies ask us for help making their employees happier and more engaged at work, we turn to wellness challenges. However, you might be making common wellness challenge mistakes that could jeopardize your participation and success. Here are seven missteps that could make your challenges fall flat…and how to get back on track. Mistake #1: Read more…