Workplace Wellness

This is How Healthy Employees Benefit the Workplace

If you think about the times people are most productive, it’s normally when they love what they are doing and are happy. It’s the same with work. If you provide a way for your employees to engage in activities or events that make them happier (overall wellness in the workplace), overall productivity will increase. Employees Read more…

Wellness Challenges

Why You Should Set Up a Step Challenge and How to Do It

When it comes to encouraging physical activity in the workplace, it’s important to design employee wellness programs that will motivate all your employees to get active. Wellness challenges are a great place to start your program! They build camaraderie, boost morale and increase employee satisfaction. But what kind of challenge is the best to start Read more…

Workplace Wellness

How To Build Vaccine Confidence In Your Workplace

Vaccines are developed with the main purpose of protecting an individual from the debilitating and sometimes fatal effects of communicable diseases. However, not all individuals believe so, leading to vaccine hesitancy and resistance. These days, restoring vaccine confidence is critical, especially as the world is facing a global pandemic that’s claimed millions of lives. As Read more…

Wellness Challenges

9 Wellness Challenge Ideas Your Colleagues Will Enjoy

Is your company currently offering a wellness program to its employees? Now more than ever, it’s crucial that employers are building wellness programs focused on living a healthy lifestyle. Employees want to see that their employers care about their personal wellness and connect with their colleagues. Which is why it’s so important to create a Read more…

Workplace Wellness

3 Ways To Encourage Healthy Eating At Work

Work is such a tricky part of everyday life. Stress comes in many forms and from different places all at once. This is where adults make most of their life-changing decisions while dealing with the inevitable progression of the body’s natural ageing. Because of this, it becomes increasingly important to prioritize one’s health. For some, Read more…