Workplace Wellness

Presenteeism: Identifying and Addressing Its Impact

Presenteeism is a growing concern in workplaces, becoming an increasingly recognized problem. Unlike absenteeism, where employees are physically absent from work, presenteeism happens when employees come to work but fail to meet performance expectations due to illness, stress, or other health issues. Thus, creating an environment of reduced productivity, potential errors, and the spread of Read more…

Workplace Wellness

Healthy Aging: How to Empower Your Employees’ Golden Years

As a notable percentage of the workforce ages and there is an increase in baby boomers in the workplace, there is a growing concern among these older employees about maintaining health and longevity. In fact, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, employees 55 and older will account for over a quarter of the Read more…

Personal Wellness

Ideas for Daily Self Care Routines in the Workplace

It is widely accepted: You can’t pour from an empty cup. Before we can give our best to others, we must first replenish and fortify ourselves. That’s the essence of self-care. Unfortunately, this principle is frequently overlooked in modern workplaces as the demands of the job and digital chatter take precedence. Granted, self-care can and Read more…

Benefits Strategy

6 Tips to Attract and Retain Gen Z Employees

By 2030, Gen Z will constitute 30% of the US workforce. As the first true digital natives, this generation brings a fresh perspective to the workplace. Forget ping-pong tables and casual Fridays. For Gen Z, the future of work is about purpose, social impact, flexibility, and digital integration. As this generation enters the job market Read more…


Wellness Apps that Help Manage Stress

As an HR manager, fostering a supportive and healthy work environment is significant for the overall health and wellness of employees. Stress affects both mental and physical well-being, so it’s important to find effective coping strategies. Incorporating a wellness challenge into an organizational wellness program can be a powerful way to support employees in managing Read more…