How to Create A Wellness Newsletter

A Wellness newsletter is a fantastic way to keep in constant communication with employees about general wellness and health related issues. It also keeps them informed about extracurricular office wellness activities. They’re an inexpensive addition to any office wellness program, and a great way to promote wellness in the workplace. If you’re having trouble kicking the project off the ground, here are a few tips to help you get started.

Make a plan

What kinds of topics can you reasonably cover? Keep a running list of content ideas including such as recipes and exercise tips so that you’ll always be prepared for the next letter. Know your audience and try to publish approachable content. Don’t forget to check with employees for things they’d like to see or if they’d like to contribute!

Determine the logistics

Time to set all of the details. Determine how often you can publish the letter, the length, and the format. We suggest publishing the wellness newsletter once a month with three to five main articles. Don’t forget to decide who will be responsible for each portion of the content.

If you don’t have the manpower or time to develop your own template, a quick google search will lead you to some great templates you can use. Here are a few links for varying levels of technical skill:

  • Basic at CakeMail is no frills template that’s straight to the point. Good for those who’d like to toy a bit with a basic framework.
  • MailChimp is an email marketing service that has built in templates, and is free to use for up to 2000 subscribers. Good for the tech adverse.
  • MailerLite is similar to MailChimp and is free to use for up to 1000 subscribers. This also comes with several templates that are easily customizable.
  • MailSplash is an easy-to-use tool that helps you create email templates, without spending hours on design work.

Maintain it

To run a successful wellness newsletter, try to keep it as engaging as possible. Coming up with engaging topics can get difficult! So check out this list of 7 engaging topics for your company wellness newsletter. Highlight employee wellness achievements and include staffers’ opinions of previous wellness content. Also, have an approachable wellness challenge for the company to participate in in between publications. The most effective newsletters should motivate employees! A simple wellness challenge based on the content from the last newsletter is a great way to accomplish such.

Newsletters are important not only because they deliver informative content, but they also bring greater awareness to certain health concerns. Being able to address such issues promote an office culture that prioritizes the wellbeing of the employees which in turn, leads to a more motivated and productive staff.

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