Benefits Strategy

What are the Best Employee Incentives Right Now and How Do You Implement Them?

In today’s competitive business landscape, many companies realize that workplace culture can no longer be treated as an afterthought. Each year, unhappy workers cost US companies much more than a bit of pocket change – a staggering $450 to $550 billion in loss of productivity, according to a Gallup report. Recognizing that a more motivated Read more…

Benefits Strategy

9 Types of Biometrics and Why They Are Essential to Your Wellness Program

A successful wellness program aims to enhance employees’ holistic health and well-being, whether physically or mentally. On the physical side, this involves health screenings to monitor key health metrics such as weight, blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and sleep patterns. In the past, this process was tedious and manual. However, technology now allows providers to record Read more…

Benefits Strategy

What are Health Screenings and Why are They So Important?

Early disease detection and treatment is why more people live much longer. Each year, around 1.7 million people die of complications from chronic illnesses, like blood pressure and cancer, that doctors can successfully treat with early diagnosis. Chronic diseases account for approximately 90% of the $4.1 trillion annual healthcare costs in the United States, impacting Read more…

Benefits Strategy

What is a Cell Phone Reimbursement Policy & How to Set One Up

In today’s digital world, it’s important for companies to ensure that all employees are paid accurately and fairly, including regular salary and bonuses, fringe benefits, stock options, pensions, and any other perks the company may offer, such as travel allowances, internet allowances, hazard pay, overtime pay, and cell phone reimbursements, which are increasingly necessary for Read more…