Do you want to launch a stipend program that will help shape your company’s future? Employee stipends are a remarkable approach to reward staff and inspire them to put in the extra effort. These may come in the form of a salary, stock options, or other forms of payment. However, before implementing an employee stipend Read more…
Category: Benefits Strategy
;Best practices and insights about how to design and run your company’s wellness benefits program.
Benefits Strategy
Ultimate Guide to Education Stipends & 7 Reasons to Offer Employees an Education Stipend
Does your company have trouble retaining the best employees despite offering great benefits, and fringe benefits? Are you looking for strategies to develop employee professional growth? How do you help your employees achieve their lifelong career goals? Human Resource managers worldwide are waking up to a new workplace reality. Gone are the days of the Read more…
Benefits Strategy
What is a Lifestyle Spending Account (LSA) & Should You Offer them to Employees
Are you looking for new ways to attract and retain talent? Lifestyle spending accounts (LSAs) are growing in popularity as a great way to show that you are an employer who cares. Lifestyle spending accounts, also known as life accounts, lifestyle accounts or life planning accounts, are a fringe benefit that is helping employers stand Read more…
Benefits Strategy
What is a Benefits Administration System & How to do Administration for Wellness Benefits
A benefits administration platform is a software system that manages employer-sponsored benefits packages for employees. Read on to see how to choose a benefits administration system for your company!
Benefits Strategy
Guide to Employee Benefits for Mid Size Businesses
Employee benefits are an essential part of the employee/employer relationship. As the talent war rages on, businesses are out-competing each other in the benefits department, with good reason. Replacing a great employee costs a lot of money that could be put to better use. Mid-size businesses can save hiring costs by offering valuable and unique Read more…