UnitedHealthcare is Getting Users to Step Up!

Activity trackers are getting more usage each day due to awesome programs like UnitedHealthcare Motion. UnitedHealthcare Motion is an employee benefit wellness feature created by United Healthcare, one of the nation’s leading healthcare providers. The program allows users to earn financial incentives for meeting step goals, but not just any incentives. Users have the ability to earn up to four dollars a day that can go towards health care related services such as copays and prescriptions. Samsung and Garmin activity trackers have already been implemented to use UnitedHealthcare Motion. The wellness program found that they had more than two thirds of eligible users had a registered device. Of those registered, over 66% of users used it actively for over a year.

These statistics show that that wearable fitness trackers are getting more usage than in the past which can benefit corporate wellness programs in a major way. Not only do wellness programs look good when attracting new employees, fitness trackers are having an effect on their health. In fact, employers are expected to incorporate up to 13 million new fitness tracker devices for 2018.

But What If I Don’t Have United Health Care?

If you don’t use United Healthcare, there are other options out there to earn $$$ for staying in shape. IncentFit allows employers to offer incentives to employees for more than just steps. You can sync all sorts of wellness goals that may work better with your company. Some like to offer incentives for checking in at a gym, or attending a fitness class. It’s up to you.

Unlike UnitedHealthcare, your fitness trackers options aren’t limited. We sync with tons of fitness trackers, and even your smartphone. Just download the app from the App Store or Play Store. That way you can track your fitness goals in whatever way suits you.

You also aren’t limited to allowing employees to earn funds just for health care. They can earn money for their 401K, HSA, or you can give them straight cash! It’s up to you. We pride ourselves in being truly flexible and helping your business create a wellness program that fits your company culture. Interested in hearing more? Give us a ring.

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