Benefits Strategy

Is a Health Insurance Broker Right For My Company?

Health insurance brokers are like real estate agents. Just as a real estate agent can help you find the perfect property, an insurance broker can set you up with the perfect benefits plan for your company. Health insurance brokers are a bit different, though. Your broker is a licensed industry expert who will do the Read more…

Behavioral Science

Financial Incentives Help Pregnant Women Quit Smoking

It’s common knowledge that smoking is bad for your health, yet 15% of Americans continue to smoke. It’s extremely addictive. According to Pregnancy Risk Assessment and Monitoring System (PRAMS), 50% of participants continued to smoke during their pregnancy in Pennsylvania. Smoking not only increases the risk of miscarriage, but it can increase the chances of Read more…

Benefits Strategy

Are Wellness Program Incentives Taxable?

The benefits of workplace wellness programs are endless. Not only is it useful for attracting top talent, but healthier employees inevitably lead to “lower medical claims costs, which leads to lower medical premiums, which leads to a better profit margin.” To boost engagement, most employers offer some sort of incentive to employees for participation. However, Read more…