Workplace Wellness

Work Smarter, Not Harder: Top 10 Tips to Prevent Workplace Burnout

In today’s fast-paced world, workplace burnout has emerged as a prevalent and persisting issue infecting employees across various industries. The World Health Organization’s (WHO) recent recognition and official definition of workplace burnout demonstrates just how much this problem has gone global, which defines it as “an occupation-related syndrome resulting from chronic workplace stress that has Read more…

Workplace Wellness

8 Tips to Increase Participation Rate of Outcomes-based Wellness Programs

52% of American employers offer a wellness program as of 2023. However, research shows the average wellness program participation rate is about 30%. Think about that for a moment. You’ve invested time, money, and resources into a wellness program, but only a third of your workforce engages with it. That leaves over 60% of your Read more…

Workplace Wellness

How to Spot and Prevent Workplace Burnout

If you’ve been feeling drained or unmotivated at work, you might be experiencing workplace burnout.  Burnout is a state of mental and physical exhaustion at work caused by stress from factors such as family life, personality traits, and career. Being burned out at work involves a loss of personal identity and a sense that your Read more…