Benefits Strategy

Survey Says: To Stay Competitive, Offer a Wellness Reward

If you want to compete with other companies’ corporate wellness programs, you’re going to have to pay. A recent study found that nearly nine out of ten employers—86 percent, up from 74 percent in 2017—now offer financial rewards as part of a corporate health and wellness platform. These rewards often take the form of HSA Read more…

Client Spotlight

What led Goodfellow Bros., Inc. to recommend IncentFit to so many friends?

They’ve built roads, bridges, and dams. They’ve moved earth, crushed rock, and harnessed power through wind and solar farms. Now Goodfellow Bros. Inc. (GBI) is building something else: a strong and healthy workforce, through a corporate wellness program that incorporates inter-office challenges and fitness rewards. Strong History, Stronger Future Founded by brothers Jack, Bert and Read more…

Behavioral Science

Here’s How To Motivate Your Employees Who Already Work Out

Motivating employees is a key part of any successful corporate wellness program and an overall important component of wellness in the workplace. Unfortunately, some programs can actually divide your team if you’re not careful. If you’re only thinking about fitness beginners, you could demotivate people who are already very active or focused on health. To Read more…

Behavioral Science

How To Get More Active Employees in 15 Minutes a Day

What’s the best way inspire more active employees and shed that sedentary lifestyle? More movement, in any way you can get it! The good news is that you can build out an employee experience around getting your employees to be more active! We’ve previously written about fitness research that found that fitting in more “moderate Read more…

Behavioral Science

Do Wellness Benefits Really Increase Employee Engagement?

Employee engagement is crucial to maintaining a competitive business, and should be a strategic priority for all managers. “Employee engagement is a workplace approach resulting in the right conditions for all members of an organisation to give of their best each day, committed to their organisation’s goals and values, motivated to contribute to organisational success, Read more…