Workplace Wellness

What Unexpected Wellness Perks Should You Offer?

Step challenges are the bread-and-butter of workplace wellness employee benefits, and even broader employee benefit programs. They’re easy to run, easy to track, and employees know exactly what they’re getting into. But what if you could just as easily offer something more creative? While we love step challenges—they’re currently our most popular type of challenge—we Read more…

Workplace Wellness

Stress Awareness Month: How to Help Your Stressed Out Employees

April is Stress Awareness Month. How are you helping your employees avoid burnout, start feeling better, and generally practicing wellness in the workplace? If you type “stressed” into a stock photo website, you’re likely to find thousands of faces with furrowed brows and frazzled hair. More often than not, though, those folks are at a Read more…

Workplace Wellness

7 Things You Should Look For in a Gym Reimbursement Vendor

It’s easy to see why a gym reimbursement plan is a popular component of a successful corporate wellness program. Research shows that gym members are more likely to cancel if they aren’t regularly attending, aren’t feeling motivated to exercise, or don’t have ongoing support for their fitness goals. Introducing a system of rewards and positive Read more…

Behavioral Science

What Effect Reduced Work Hours Have on Productivity: A Study on Presenteeism

The standard employee works an 8 hour work day, occasionally clocking in over time, presumably to accomplish more work. However, more time devoted to work doesn’t necessarily mean that more work is getting done. Presenteeism is one of the largest threats to productivity, and companies everywhere are doing what they can to combat it. Corporations Read more…

Workplace Wellness

Recognition Based and Low Cost Challenge Prizes

Wellness challenge prizes don’t have to take a lot out of your budget. Using recognition, and other non-monetary forms of challenge prizes, has many benefits to both the employer and the employee. Not only is it budget friendly, but employee recognition leads to decreased turnover, better teamwork, and improved performances. We’ve listed a few ways Read more…