Workplace Wellness

12 Mental Wellness Activities to Elevate Your Wellness Program

Rising costs of living, political upheavals, and rapidly evolving workplaces have left employees reeling. As workplace burnout remains high, employee engagement is strained and mental health is nosediving. The 2024 Voice of the Workplace Report paints a grim picture: The good news is that the stigma has reduced surrounding discussions about workplace mental health. In Read more…

Workplace Wellness

What are the Most Common Mental Health Struggles Facing Employees Today?

Mental health struggles afflict more people than we think. A recent survey conducted by the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) shows that 34% of employees aged 18-29 and 28% of employees aged 30-49 have considered leaving their current job because of its impact on their mental health. Worse still, 52% of workers experienced severe Read more…

Workplace Wellness

What is Workplace Burnout and Eight Tips to Help Employees Manage It

Workplace stress has become an alarmingly common phenomenon, with 44% of workers reporting feeling stressed day-to-day, according to a 2022 Gallup poll. Chronic stress can lead to burnout, which then causes devastating physical, mental, and emotional effects if unchecked.  In 2007, Thrive Global founder and CEO Arianna Huffington collapsed from exhaustion, burnout, and lack of Read more…

Workplace Wellness

How Wellness Programs Can Help Reduce Employee Burnout

Stress is not an uncommon occurrence, particularly in today’s workplace. But when left unchecked, sustained or excessive exposure to stress not only has a negative impact on employee health, but also on their ability to maintain their productivity. Given how much time employees spend at work, it’s crucial for organizations and their employees to work Read more…

Workplace Wellness

Beyond the Wellness Program: Creating a Culture of Wellness at Work

Given that the average adult worker spends 90,000 hours at work over the course of their lifetime, employee health and well-being is an essential part of both the employee experience and organizational success. As such, it comes to no surprise that in today’s dynamic competitive business landscape, organizations have increasingly turned to wellness programs as Read more…